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Dieser Artikel ist über das Projekt Alicization und alle Serienereignisse. Für Informationen über die Mechanik der Welt, siehe Projekt Alicization.

Die Underworld (アンダーワールド, Andāwārudo?, Unterwelt) ist die mysteriöse virtuelle Welt, in welcher die Alicization Arc stattfindet.


Während der Ära des kalten Krieges, und später, dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion, wurden die Menschen immer weniger nachsichtig wegen dem Tod von Soldaten, während Länder mit einer großen Militärmacht, ganz besonders Amerika, nicht gewillt waren ihre Militärindustrie aufzugeben.Aus diesem Grund wurden die Forderungen nach unbemannten Waffen anstatt echten Soldaten immer größer. Jedoch, da kein Land Waffen nach Japan exportierte, wurde die Verteidigung von Japan immer schwieriger, so dass Japan Waffen von Amerika kaufen musste. Obwohl Amerika eigentlich mit Japan zusammenarbeiten müsste um die Verteidigung zu verbessern, erhielt Japan in Wirklichkeit nur veraltete Ausrüstung. So musste Japan selbst eigene Verteidigungssysteme herstellen.[1] Projekt Alicization, ein Top-secret Regierungsprojekt, das von Rath geleitet wurde, einem Unternehmen welches der Japan Self Defense Force angehörte, wurde gestartet um die erste stark anpassungsfähige Bottom-up AI zu erschaffen. Mit der Nutzung eines FullDive Geräts der 4. Generation, dem Soul Translator (STL), schaffte es Rath die Fluctlights (Seelen) von 12 neugeborenen Babys zu kopieren, wodurch er Soul Archetype, ein nicht entwickeltes, künstliche Fluctlight, welches kopiert werden könnte um neue künstliche Fluctlights zu erschaffen, die dann gepflegt werden müssten um zu einem Individuum zu werden. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine virtuelle Welt, mit dem Namen Underworld erschaffen, die auf der freien Kernversion des Cardinal Systems, also The Seed basierte. Diese wurde dann auf den STL-Server übertragen.

Underworld spielt in einer vergangenen Ära, in welcher Wissenschaft und Philosophie gerade erst entdeckt wurden. Aber anstatt die vergangene Ära nur neu zu erstellen, wurden begrenzte Flächen und Güter genutzt, um die Einwohner der Welt dazu zu bringen, ihre eigene Gesellschaft zu formen.


Es gibt momentan 5 Götter in der Unterwelt:

  • Die Göttin der Schöpfung Stacia (創世の神ステイシア, Sōsei no Kami Suteishia?) - die Hauptgöttin der Menschenwelt sowie die Göttin des Lebens und der Schöpfung. Den Legenden zufolge herrscht sie über alle animierten und unanimierten Objekte in Form des Lebens. Dies wird im Stacia Window angezeigt. Sie beschwört alle zu sich, deren Leben zu Ende geht.[2] Hochzeiten in der Menschenwelt sind Stacia gewidmet, welche das Paar segnet und ihm erlaubt, Kinder zu haben.[3]
  • Die Sonnengöttin Solus (陽神ソルス, Hi Shin Sorusu?, abgeleitet vom lateinischen "Sol" - "Sonne") - die Göttin des Sterns der Unterworld, Solus, segnet die Welt in Form von Sonnenstrahlen welche die heilige Macht in der Umgebung erhöht. Ihre Segen werden schwächer sobald die Sonne untergeht und die Nacht beginnt.
  • Die Erdgöttin Terraria (地神テラリア, Chijin Teraria?, abgeleitet vom lateinischen "Terra" - "Erde") - die Göttin der Erde, welche Pflanzen, Metallarbeiter und Handwerker segnet und beschützt. Sie bietet heilige Macht durch die Erde, jedoch ist diese Machtquelle sehr begrenzt in Städten und über dem Boden.
  • Der Dunkelheitsgott Vector (闇神ベクタ, Yami Shin Bekuta?) - der Herrscher des dunklen Gebiets und der einzige Gott, der dort angebetet wird. Man erzählt das Vector es liebt, Menschen Streiche in Form von Krankheiten oder Entführungen zu spielen, wobei er bei Entführung die Erinnerungen der Menschen stiehlt. Vector stellt außerdem die heilige Macht für dunkle Rituale zur Verfügung.
  • Die Göttin des Mondes Lunaria (月の神ルナリア, Tsuki no Kami Runaria?, abgeleitet vom lateinischen "Luna" - "Mond") - die Göttin des Mondes und Herrscherin der Träume der Bewohner von Underworld.[4]

Erschaffung der Welt

Laut der Geschichte der Axiom-Kirche wurde die Welt von den drei Göttinnen Stacia, Solus und Terraria.[5]aber wurde dann von Stacia und Vector in die Menschenwelt getrennt[3] nachdem Solus Vector während der Erschaffung der Welt mit ihrer heiligen Macht in das Land der Finternis verbannte.[5] Seitdem schien das Licht von Solus nicht mehr über das Land der Fisternis.[6]

Der große Krieg

In einer Legende wird gesagt, dass einmal alle tausend Jahre, wenn das Licht von Solus schwächer wird, die Mächte der Dunkelheit, geführt von den schwarzen Rittern, das Gebirge überschreiten und in die Menschenwelt eindringen. In diesem großen Krieg ziehen die Wächter in den Dörfern, die Wachen aller Städte und die imperiale Armee der Menschenwelt, welche von den Einheitsrittern geführt werden, in den Kampf gegen die Monsterhorden. Die Adligen würden an der Spitze stehen und die Menschen in die Schlacht führen.[6][7]

Die Wahrheit

In Wirklichkeit wurden die vier Götter von der Axiom Church erfunden, um ihre Autorität über die Menschenwelt zu sichern. Obwohl keine der Götter wirklich existieren, gibt es Super-User Accounts im System für diese. Jedoch wurden diese Accounts seid der Erschaffung der Unterwelt nicht mehr genutzt.[3][8]


Die ersten Vier

Die Bevölkerung der Menschenwelt begann vor ungefähr 70 HWC mit 2 Familien bestehend aus 8 künstlichen Fluctlights. Sie lebten in Centoria, einem kleinen Dorf in der Mitte der Menschenwelt. Beide Familien hatten 2 reale Rath Mitarbeiter, welche die restlichen Einwohner des Dorfes, simulierte Platzhalter-NPCs, betreuten. Diese 4 Mitarbeiter erzogen die ersten 16 künstlichen Fluctlights bis sie erwachsen wurden. Sie brachten ihnen alles bei, von lesen und schreiben bis Anbau von Nutzpflanzen und Aufzucht von Vieh sowie die Ethik von Gut und Böse. Jedoch verdirbt einer der 4 Mitarbeiter ein oder zwei Kinder indem er seinen Egoismus und die Gier nach Reichtum und Macht an diese weitergab. Nachdem die Fluctlights das 18. Lebensjahr erreichten und eigene Familien starteten, loggten sich die 4 Mitarbeiter einer nach dem anderen aus um eine "Seuche" zu simulieren.

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The Growth of the World

After the «original four» logged out, the population of Underworld continued to grow, with the humans marrying when they were about 20 years old and bearing an average of 5 children, thus the 5th generation already consisted of 600 children, with about 400 still alive from the older generations. The children corrupted by the egoistic Rath employee became the ancestors of the future nobles as they secured their place as elites in the world. By the time of the 5th generation, the inhabitants of the Human World were already ruled by several lords, who, inheriting the egoism from their ancestors, earnestly continued expanding the land they owned, thus depriving the descendants of the non-corrupted first humans of land for cultivation. Most of the youth was then forced to work for the lords as tenant farmers, while some of them, who were not content with their social positions, set off from Centoria and traveled to the remote regions where they founded new towns and villages, like Zakkaria and Rulid Village, and thus acquired new land to cultivate.

Meanwhile, the lords that ruled over the capital held enmity towards each other, so there was a long period of time without any marriages between them. However, after some time, a political marriage happened between two families of lords for the first time. As a result of this marriage, a single daughter, possessing a higher level of egoism than any other lord in the world at the time, was born.

Axiom Church

The Axiom Church was founded around 30HWC (100 years after the creation of Underworld). At the time, the founder and head of the church was a girl named Quinella. Her Sacred Task was one not seen before in Underworld: "Sacred Arts Research". She soon became very proficient at the Sacred Arts and had discovered many new rituals that people could use in every day life. At the age of thirteen, Quinella decided she didn't want to rule over the people as a lord or baron - she wanted to have absolute control, she wanted to become God. To do this, Quinella started doing "miracles" in front of people, predicting storms and healing sick and injured people in the name of "god". She told the people that a shrine to worship god needed to be built in order to perform even greater miracles, hence a large marble spire was erected in the center of town. This was the beginning of the Axiom Church.

Years later when Quinella felt her life was coming to an end, she desperately tried to find a form of Sacred Arts that could manipulate her «Life». Even at the verge of death, she still tried chanting various combinations of verses in the hopes of finding something that could help her. One fateful night, when she was just on the brink of death, Quinella discovered the Sacred Art: “Inspect Entire Command list”, and at the bottom of this list was the command that Quinella had been searching for, the one that would let her truly become God. This command that she had found was one that took the administrator powers from Cardinal and transferred them to Quinella, allowing her to then use all the controls that administrators had access to, including the manipulation of «Life». Even after this act, Quinella's thirst for power was not satisfied and so she tried to eliminate the one thing that held equal authority to her, the Cardinal System, but accidentally ended up infusing it with her Fluclight. By doing this, she became less human and adopted the primary purpose of the Cardinal System: to preserve the Human World exactly as it was.

Quinella then created the Immortal Walls in Centoria which divided the Human World into four. This was to create a physical barrier between the people and to make sure that the Axiom Church would have complete control of the relaying of information. She made it so that the people would remain reliant on the church and thus they would stay devoted to its preachings. Large physical barriers including: a huge, unbreakable rock; a swamp that could never be filled; a rapid, uncrossable stream and a gigantic, unfellable tree were then put in the world to make sure that humanity could not expand past its current boundaries, effectively stopping all progress in the Human World. She also set down rules for the people, including the Taboo Index, and made sure every resident knew them so that no one could possibly oppose her. While this was all happening, the tower of Axiom Church was growing ever higher.

Seventy years after Quinella assumed her position as administrator, she discovered that the capacity in her brain for storing memories was reaching its limit. After a failed attempt of transferring her memories into another body, Quinella started avoiding death by deleting her most recent memories and spending most of her day sleeping on the top floor of the church to avoid filling up her memory capacity. She also started using the Synthesis Ritual on especially strong swordsmen and law breakers to turn them into Integrity Knights, who would fight the monsters of the Dark Territory and keep order among the people.


Human World

The Human World is where the humans live in the Underworld. It's a perfect circle with a diameter that measures around 1500 kilometers. The Human World is bordered by the Mountain Range at the Edge and connects to the «Dark Territory» via the «North Cave», «East Gate», «South Corridor» and «West Gorge».

The Human World is divided into four empires: Norlangarth North Empire, Eastabarieth Empire, Wesdarath Empire, and Southacroith Empire. The capital of all four empires is is their respective side of Centoria, from which the Human World is ruled by the Axiom Church and the four empires. Each empire is separated by the large «Immortal wall» (不朽之壁, Fukyū no Kabe?), which extends from the 4 corners of the Axiom Church and stretches to the Mountain Range at the Edge, thus limiting movement between the empires. An identification handprint is required to cross the Immortal Wall.

About 80,000 people live within the Human World, about 20,000 of which live within Centoria. The 4 empires together have about 2,000 soldiers.

Norlangarth North Empire

Norlangarth North Empire (ノーランガルス北帝国, Nōrangarusu Kita Teikoku?) is the northern empire of the Human World. The empire has fertile grasslands, deep forests and many lakes. Rulid Village is the northernmost village in this empire. Zakkaria is a town to the south of Rulid Village. Deusolbert Synthesis Seven used to be the Integrity Knight overseeing the Norlangarth Empire.

Eastabarieth Empire

Eastabarieth Empire (イスタバリエス帝国, Isutabariesu Teikoku?) is the eastern empire of the Human World. A defining feature of a resident of the empire is black hair.

Wesdarath Empire

Wesdarath Empire (ウェスダラス帝国, Uesudarasu Teikoku?) is the western empire of the Human World.

Southacroith Empire

Southacroith Empire (サザークロイス帝国, Sazākuroisu Teikoku?) is the southern empire of the Human World. The Empire occupies an area that consists mostly of deserts.

Other Places

Edge of Human World

Edge of Human World (人界世界の果て, Hito-kai Sekai no Hate?) is the border between the Human World and the Dark Territory.

Mountain range at the Edge

The Mountain range at the Edge (果ての山脈, Hate no Sanmyaku?) is the mountain range that surrounds the Human World.

Dark Territory

Dark Territory (ダークテリトリー, Dāku Teritorī?) is the country of demons. It houses goblins, orcs, etc. It is situated at the other end of the Mountain Range at the Edge.

Diese Karte ist im englischen Sword Art Online Wiki gespeichert. Marker  werden hier nur in englischer Sprache eingetragen.

Law System

All residents of Underworld are generally compliant to any law or rule that they regard as having authority, due to the effects of the Seal of the Right Eye. However, certain individuals, especially nobles, are able to circumvent the restrictions of the laws to satisfy their personal desires.

Human World

In the first decades of the Human World, the law system was passed down verbally from generation to generation in the form of parents teaching their children the basic moral rules that they should follow. Only after Quinella founded the Axiom Church, the first written law, the Taboo Index, was published.

Taboo Index

The Taboo Index (禁忌目録, Kinki Mokuroku?) is the absolute law in the Human world that was created by the Axiom Church to ensure Quinella's all-encompassing rule as well as to bind the masses with a sense of moral that suited the church's convenience. This rule system covers all crimes and their respective punishments, as well as prohibits actions that bring harm to other humans and limits hunting and storing food, as the world has limited resources.


Quinella became uneasy that there was a chance that people in the remote regions who have lost their parents before receiving guidance on ethics from them might discover the secret behind the increase in System Control Authority and, if they possessed the genes of nobles, they might follow their desires to such an extent that, by murdering people around them, they would soon over-rank Quinella in System Control Authority. Thus, to reduce the possibility of that happening to the minimum, Quinella published the first edition of the Taboo Index and ensured that every town and village in the Human World would get a copy. All parents were then tasked to teach the children in the settlements to abide by her law as soon as they learned language.

Over time, Quinella revised the Taboo Index, adding new clauses that helped people with everyday life by restricting access to swamps that were the source of endemic diseases, listing plants that negatively affect livestock etc., in other words, anyone who followed the Taboo Index would not experience any problems and thus removing the need for people to think for themselves and to question the rule of the Axiom Church.

Known Clauses
  1. 1st chapter, 1st passage, 1st paragraph: Loyalty to the Axiom Church.
  2. 2nd clause: Unless another clause applies, one shall not intentionally reduce the Life of another person.
  3. One may not claim items that belong to others without permission. This clause only applies to stealing from humans.
  4. All children must be taught the clauses of the Taboo Index.
  5. 1st chapter, 3rd passage, 11th paragraph: Not anyone is to go beyond the Mountain range enclosing the edge of Human World.
  6. One cannot kiss another person's lips (likely unless they are married).
  7. One may not enter swamps that are deemed to be the source of diseases.
  8. One may not hunt more animals than permitted.
  9. One must not abandon their Sacred Task during work days.
  10. One may not take up too many tasks.
  11. One can only hunt animals if they have the Sacred Task of "Hunter".
  12. Deliberately destroying items that are sold in the shop is against the Taboo Index.
  13. It's against the Taboo Index to not pay for an item if it was broken accidentally.
  14. If the owner excuses a person for accidentally breaking an item, it would not be breaking the Taboo Index.
  15. One may not run away after committing a crime.
  16. Deliberately destroying goods that belong to others is against the Taboo Index.
  17. Obstructing the nobles' right to judge is not allowed.

Other Laws

Aside from the Taboo Index, all empires have an «Empire Fundamental Law» (帝国基本法, Teikoku Kihon Hō?). As all crimes and punishments are covered by the Taboo Index, the empire law is largely made up of conventions concerning the masses’ class system, in other words, the rights of the nobles and the rights of the commoners. The law guarantees the 4th class and higher nobles the right to judge commoners in their territory and lower ranked nobles, usually by cutting down their wages, though younger nobles tend to resort to physical punishment as well. This law was likely established by Quinella when she appointed the lords of the land as nobles in the name of god to secure their support.

Each village also has its own set of rules, for example, Rulid Village’s standards, and certain institutions, like the Sword Mastery Academy, also have their own regulations which hold as much power as the higher laws, however, in case of conflict, the higher laws take priority.

Dark Territory

There are virtually no known laws in the Dark Territory, though generally one rule is followed above all else: the weak shall follow the strong.[9] As such, if one's leader is to perish, the one to succeed him would be the next strongest, under him. This is shown when the Leader of a group of Goblins was killed by Kirito, and immediately after, one of his subordinates stepped up to take his place.[10]


Feudal System

Sacred Tasks

A Sacred Task (天職, Tenshoku?, literally "Vocation") is a lifelong occupation assigned to each individual in the Human World. Most people are assigned their Sacred Task at the age of 10 during Spring, with very few exceptions, for example, the children at the Axiom Church who can receive their Sacred Task even at the age of 5 while a child who is very gifted in Sacred Arts may have their Sacred Task postponed to allow them to train their talent. A Sacred Task is usually assigned by a village chief, the ruler of a town, a high-ranking noble with their own territory or a minister from the Axiom Church - the people in charge of the area where the child was born.

The Sacred Task assigned to a person the first time cannot be chosen by the people themselves and, once a Task is assigned, it is impossible for even those who assign the Tasks to revoke them. However, certain tasks can be changed if the person is promoted, for example, a village guard may become a sentry in a local town, a student at the Sword Mastery Academy, and even an Integrity Knight in the end, if they meet certain requirements. Additionally, if a Task is completed (this only applies to Tasks that have an end), the person may choose their next Sacred Task themselves.

In practice, the eldest son of each household is usually given the same Sacred Task as their father: a tool shop's owner's son would continue working in the shop, a guard's eldest son would become a guard and a village chief's eldest son would succeed them as the next village chief. For farmer households, this standard usually applies to their daughter, second and third sons as well, though there are exceptions. People who are assigned Sacred Tasks that do not provide a source of income are given a wage from the village's or city's vault.

Once a Sacred Task is assigned, a person is only allowed to rest from their job on rest days and may not travel in a way that would prevent them from working on their Sacred Task, meaning that mostly only traders could travel long distances, if it is part of their Sacred Task, while an average villager would only be able to travel if it was possible to return to their Sacred Task by the next workday.

Certain Sacred Tasks also have certain benefits, for example, a person who is assigned to be a guard is assigned a real sword to use and may spend time practising their sword skills. Although it is possible for someone to help others with their Sacred Task, it's against the Taboo Index to "have many Sacred Tasks".


There are 2 known languages within Underworld: the Common Tongue and the Sacred Tongue.

Common Tongue

The Common Tongue (汎用語(はんようご), Han'yō-go?, literally, "General purpose language") is the main language used for writing and speaking in Underworld. It is the equivalent of the Japanese language in the real world, though the language is supplemented with a few words borrowed from other foreign languages. However, the major difference from its counterpart in the real world is that only about 1000 kanji, about the equivalent of 30% of JIS Level 1, are used in Underworld, while other words and most names are written in kana. Although the same language is used throughout the Human World, several accents do exist.

Sacred Tongue

The Sacred Tongue (神聖語, Shinsei-go?) is the name given to the English language, though supplemented with a few words from other languages, by the residents of Underworld. This language is regarded as a sacred language used to ask the gods for miracles and is not considered as having any special meaning by the average resident, except for those who study the language for Sacred Arts. The language is mostly used in chanting the verses for Sacred Arts and written in system windows, like the Stacia Window, though a few names are also derived from this language, for example, the Gigas Cedar or the Dark Territory. The language can either be written in the English alphabet or in katakana for easier reading.

According to legends spread by the Axiom Church, the Sacred Tongue was passed down to the Administrator by the three goddess during the creation of the world. As the Axiom Church restricted the knowledge on the meaning behind the vocabulary of the Sacred Tongue to just those used in Sacred Art rituals, no known dictionary for the language exists outside the Central Cathedral.[11]


For a list of events in Underworld, see Underworld Timeline.

The humans in Underworld have their own calendar, called the Human World Calendar (人界暦, Jinkai-reki?, abbreviated as HWC), which was developed by the Axiom Church. This calendar starts dating from about 70 years after Underworld was created, as the Axiom Church attempts to maintain the falsified history that it spread throughout the Human World. As the time flow in Underworld depends on the Fluctlight Acceleration rate set, the HWC cannot be aligned with the time in the real world.

Like its Japanese equivalent, the HWC has 12 months per year and, like the Japanese calendar, the names of the months are derived from the number of the month, for example, the equivalent of January is the 1st Month (一月, Ichigatsu?), the equivalent of February is the 2nd Month (二月, Nigatsu?) and so on.


  • Although the order of most names in the series use the Japanese order of the person's Last name then First name, as the setting of Underworld seems be the Middle Ages of Europe, the names of Underworld residents use the Western order of First name then Last name.
  • Only nobles and rich and/or famous non-nobles have the right to have a family name in Underworld.
  • The metric system is used in Underworld, however the names for the units slightly differ from those in the English language, even though they have the same value. E.g. meters are called mel (メル, Meru?), kilometers are called kilolu (キロル, Kiroru?), centimeters - cen (セン, Sen?), millimeters - mil (ミル, miru?), liters - lil (リル, Riru?) etc.
  • There are 8 elements in Underworld in published version, but 10 in web version.[Bearbeitung notwendig]
  • Shear is used as a currency of Underworld.
  • The map of Underworld imitates Rath's logo: the Human World and the Obsidia castle are like the big and small gears, while the shape of the world and the shape of the logo are like the nose of a pig.[12]


  1. Angegeben von Kikuoka in Band 10 Kapitel 2 Teil 2
  2. Band 9 Prologe I
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Band 11, Kapitel 6, Teil 3
  4. Volume 13, Chapter 11, Part 2
  5. 5,0 5,1 Volume 12, Chapter 8, Part 2
  6. 6,0 6,1 Volume 9, Chapter 1, Part 2
  7. Volume 11, Chapter 5, Part 2
  8. Volume 12, Chapter 7, Part 1
  9. Web Novel version of the story.
  10. Volume 9, Chapter 1.
  11. Volume 13 Chapter 10
  12. Underworld map (volume 15 illustration) text

