Sword Art Online Wiki

Earth Wall refers to a high-level, Earth-element, terrain-altering spell in ALfheim Online.


After chanting, Earth Wall takes the form of two high-speed, flying lights that arc to the target location. After making contact with the ground, a brief humming sound is emitted as the wall raises itself to a considerable height. The wall cannot be destroyed by physical means, and can only be destroyed after being bombarded by many other offensive spells.[1]


Instance Description
Light Novel Anime Manga
Volume 3, Chapter 4 Episode 19 Fairy Dance Manga Stage.004 Gtacs used this spell to prevent Kirito and Leafa from entering Legrue.


  • The anime did not play a humming sound as the wall rose, but rather a low boom.



Skills and Magic
Default Sword Skills
mostly common in SAO, New ALO, UW
Avalanche - Cyclone - Deadly Sins - Embracer - Explode Arrow[1] - Fell Crescent - Flashing Penetrator - Horizontal - Horizontal Arc - Horizontal Square - Howling Octave[2] - Lightning Fall - Linear - Meteor Break - Meteor Fall - Rage Spike - Reaver - Savage Fulcrum - Senda - Sharp Nail - Single Shot - Slant - Snake Bite - Sonic Leap - Spinning Shield - Star Splash[2] - Starburst Stream[3] - Treble Scythe - Tsumujiguruma - Tsujikaze - Ukifune - Vertical - Vertical Arc - Vertical Square - Vorpal Strike - Whirlwind
SAO Dual Blades - Extra Skills - Fishing - Hiding - Holy Sword - Searching - Sewing - Tracking - Unique Skills
ALO Original Sword Skill(Mother's Rosario (OSS))
Magic Butterfly Shield - Cold resistance spell - Concealment - Earth Wall - Fireball - Fire Spear - Healing Magic - Hit Point Buff Magic - Hollow Body - Ice Arrows - Metamorphosis - Moonlight Mirror - Night Vision - Purified Surface - Retrieve Arrow - Sacrifice - Searcher - Smokescreen - Strength Buff Magic - Vacuum Blades - Water Breathing - Wind Needles
Project Alicization Sacred Arts - Incarnation - Synthesis Ritual
  1. Only in ALO.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Only in SAO and ALO
  3. Only in SAO