Sword Art Online Wiki

«Fell Crescent» (フェル・クレセント, Feru Kuresento?) is a high-level, 1-hit, One-handed Curved Sword category Sword Skill in Sword Art Online, New ALfheim Online and Project Alicization.


«Fell Crescent» is a charge-type skill that allows the user to cover "a distance of four yards in … 0.4 seconds" [1] and consists of a single slanted[2] slash from bottom-right to top-left.[1]

The skill is activated by drawing a curved sword behind one's back.[2] While in motion, the weapon in use glows "a brilliant orange;" possibly "flashing." [1]


Instance Description
Light Novel Anime Manga
Volume 1, Chapter 1 Episode 08 Aincrad Manga Stage.002 A Lizardman Lord — wielding a scimitar — used this skill to close in onto Kirito, who intentionally retreated from the lizard to induce it into using this skill, allowing Kirito to counterattack with «Horizontal Square».


  • In the anime, as the skill is activated, it is shown that the Lizardman Lord still has its arm behind its back, most likely preparing to do a slanted slash from bottom to top, but in the scene where Kirito activates «Horizontal Square», it is shown that the Lizardman Lord's sword is atop its shoulder, going for a downward slanted slash, which should not be possible in just one swing based on the Sword Skill's initial motion.



Skills and Magic
Default Sword Skills
mostly common in SAO, New ALO, UW
Avalanche - Cyclone - Deadly Sins - Embracer - Explode Arrow[1] - Fell Crescent - Flashing Penetrator - Horizontal - Horizontal Arc - Horizontal Square - Howling Octave[2] - Lightning Fall - Linear - Meteor Break - Meteor Fall - Rage Spike - Reaver - Savage Fulcrum - Senda - Sharp Nail - Single Shot - Slant - Snake Bite - Sonic Leap - Spinning Shield - Star Splash[2] - Starburst Stream[3] - Treble Scythe - Tsumujiguruma - Tsujikaze - Ukifune - Vertical - Vertical Arc - Vertical Square - Vorpal Strike - Whirlwind
SAO Dual Blades - Extra Skills - Fishing - Hiding - Holy Sword - Searching - Sewing - Tracking - Unique Skills
ALO Original Sword Skill(Mother's Rosario (OSS))
Magic Butterfly Shield - Cold resistance spell - Concealment - Earth Wall - Fireball - Fire Spear - Healing Magic - Hit Point Buff Magic - Hollow Body - Ice Arrows - Metamorphosis - Moonlight Mirror - Night Vision - Purified Surface - Retrieve Arrow - Sacrifice - Searcher - Smokescreen - Strength Buff Magic - Vacuum Blades - Water Breathing - Wind Needles
Project Alicization Sacred Arts - Incarnation - Synthesis Ritual
  1. Only in ALO.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Only in SAO and ALO
  3. Only in SAO