Sword Art Online Wiki

Hollow Body (ホロウ・ボディ, Horou Bodi?) is an unknown element transparency spell in ALfheim Online. The spell requires a high level of hiding magic as well as covert action to be mastered to use.[1]


Once «Hollow Body» is activated, the user becomes completely transparent[2] and thus cannot be seen by either players or monsters. Unlike a common Sylph hiding spell, «Hollow Body» allows the user to freely move around without losing the invisibility status.[1] However, like the usual Sylph spell, Hollow Body only makes the user invisible, thus any loud sound may alert players and monsters to the user's presence.[1] However, unlike in the case of the concealment spell, this does not terminate the Hollow Body spell, thus enemies must still use a Searcher spell to find the hidden player.[3]


Instance Description
Light Novel Anime Manga
Volume 3, Chapter 4 Episode 19 Fairy Dance Manga Stage.006 Recon used the spell to secretly follow Sigurd, at first for a chance to poison him for his behaviour to Leafa, but, after noticing Sigurd’s strange behaviour, he ended up following him to the sewers of Swilvane, where he saw him talking to Salamanders. While listening in on the conversation, Recon accidentally kicked a stone and revealed his presence, prompting the Salamanders to cast their Searching spell.


  • Recon once used this spell to sneak into Leafa's room, under the guise of secretly placing a birthday present for her, but after he confessed the truth, Leafa mercilessly punished him nearly to death.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Volume 3, Chapter 4
  2. Episode 19
  3. The Salamanders had to use a searching spell to find Recon after he accidentally revealed his presence in Volume 3, Chapter 4.


Skills and Magic
Default Sword Skills
mostly common in SAO, New ALO, UW
Avalanche - Cyclone - Deadly Sins - Embracer - Explode Arrow[1] - Fell Crescent - Flashing Penetrator - Horizontal - Horizontal Arc - Horizontal Square - Howling Octave[2] - Lightning Fall - Linear - Meteor Break - Meteor Fall - Rage Spike - Reaver - Savage Fulcrum - Senda - Sharp Nail - Single Shot - Slant - Snake Bite - Sonic Leap - Spinning Shield - Star Splash[2] - Starburst Stream[3] - Treble Scythe - Tsumujiguruma - Tsujikaze - Ukifune - Vertical - Vertical Arc - Vertical Square - Vorpal Strike - Whirlwind
SAO Dual Blades - Extra Skills - Fishing - Hiding - Holy Sword - Searching - Sewing - Tracking - Unique Skills
ALO Original Sword Skill(Mother's Rosario (OSS))
Magic Butterfly Shield - Cold resistance spell - Concealment - Earth Wall - Fireball - Fire Spear - Healing Magic - Hit Point Buff Magic - Hollow Body - Ice Arrows - Metamorphosis - Moonlight Mirror - Night Vision - Purified Surface - Retrieve Arrow - Sacrifice - Searcher - Smokescreen - Strength Buff Magic - Vacuum Blades - Water Breathing - Wind Needles
Project Alicization Sacred Arts - Incarnation - Synthesis Ritual
  1. Only in ALO.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Only in SAO and ALO
  3. Only in SAO