Sword Art Online Wiki

The Chat Feature is an additional feature provided by Wikia Labs, as a place for fellow editors to discuss about things, both related and unrelated to the wiki. The chat also exists for editors to interact and develop a bond of mutual friendship between each other. Thus, a simple set of rules or guidelines need to be implemented to make sure everything is kept on the right track. Below are the list of rules and penalties implemented for this wikia. Additionally, a Discord Server is available and linked to the chat, so messages will be seen on both the wiki-chat and the Discord server. The chat rules apply for the Discord server as well.

Chat Rules

Our wikia's chat rules are simple:

  1. No spam, vandalism or profanity on the chat.
  2. Please use appropriate language (preferably English) while chatting.
  3. Do not insult, harass or bully anyone in the chat.
  4. If possible, please refrain from giving or discussing spoilers in the chat.
  5. Do not post any links to sexually explicit sites, images, or any other media, especially child pornography.
  6. Do not join the chat solely for advertising anything: other wikia, other stuff, etc. 
    The chat exists as a place for fellow editors to interact, so don't act as a "Marketer" for other stuff in the chat.
  7. Be careful with all of your actions in the chat, or in short, behave well.
  8. Comply to all local wikia rules and Wikia Terms of Use.

Users violating the chat rules will be "awarded" with a warning, but only given up to three warnings. The warning given will take form as a message posted on your wall and/or a warning chat ban. Banned users will also have their name posted in the list below, along with the reason, the expiry date and who performed the ban. Here's the list of warnings/penalties available based on points above:

Rule Point No. First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Next Warnings
1 3 Days Ban 1 Week Ban 1 Month Ban 1 Year Ban
2 On Chat Warning Message Warning Message Warning Kicked from Chat
3 1 Week Ban 1 Month Ban 1 Year Ban Permanent Ban
4 Message Warning Kicked from Chat 3 Days Ban 2 Weeks Ban
5 Permanent Chat Ban - Breach of Wikia Terms of Use
6 3 Days Ban 2 Weeks Ban 3 Months Ban 1 Year Ban
7 1 Week Ban 1 Month Ban 6 Months Ban Permanent Ban
8 Permanent Chat Ban - Breach of Wikia Terms of Use
Banned from Wiki Based on the Ban duration "awarded" by the Administrator.

* All bans listed above are "Chat Bans". The user is still able to visit and edit in the Wikia, but such a ban prevents the user from joining the "Chat" feature.


  1. The "Next Warnings" column lists the action that will be taken once the third warning has been issued and the user violates the rules again, or in a special case, when the violation of a point is very severe.
  2. "Message Warnings" will be followed by a 2 hour Chat Ban, while "Kicked from Chat" will be followed by a 1 day Chat Ban.
  3. The warning issued is based on the severity of the violation. In cases of severe violations of the rules, some levels of the warnings may be skipped to adjust the punishment appropriately.
  4. All users that have reached the "Next Warnings" phase will be reported to a Local Adminstrator for further moderation. Chat Moderators are no longer responsible for what will happen to them.
  5. Message Warning means that one of the Chat Moderators will post a [Chat Warning] message on your wall, as well as warn you on the chat.
  6. In the case of multiple violations in the same instance, the severity will be accumulated and an appropriate ban duration for the violation will be chosen.
  7. Regarding Chat Rule Point #5 and #8:
    • In the case of a violation of rule #5, the violator will be banned from the chat permanently and reported to both the Local Administrator and the Wikia Staff. Posting such kinds of links/content is a breach of Wikia Terms of Use.
    • In the case of a violation of rule #8, the violator will be banned from the chat permanently and reported to both the Local Administrator and the Wikia Staff. We don't accept anyone who cannot uphold the rules.
    • There will be no preceding warning for violation on these two points. Violators of these points will be immediately punished with a maximum permanent ban.

Current Moderators

Head Chat Moderators

  • SAO Wiki Overlord : Dim1
  • Chairwoman : Athletiger (inactive)
  • Head of Rule Enforcement : Ethrundr (inactive)
  • Head of Chat Supervision : Gsimenas (filling in for the inactive heads)

Chat Moderators

Banned From Chat

This sections contain the complete list of all registered users that have been banned from the chat, along with the reason of banning, ban expiry and the Moderator who was responsible for banning them.

For security reasons, the list is kept in this blogpost, hosted by Ethrundr.

Bans on the Discord server are not kept in the above list, as Discord uses its own user account system.
